Grandfather paradox
- 网络祖父悖论;祖父佯谬

The grandfather paradox has been a mainstay of philosophy , physics and the entire Back to the Future trilogy .
But the grandfather paradox prevails .
That 's because of the so-called " grandfather paradox . " This idea based on the argument that if you traveled into the past and killed your grandfather , you simply would never exist .
But most scientists believe that nothing can actually travel faster than light , and , if you could go back in time , messing with the past would create all kinds of unsolvable paradoxes , like the Grandfather Paradox .
And what about the " grandfather paradox "? What would happen if a time traveler killed his grandfather as a child , resulting in his father not being born and , in turn , his not being born .
The so-called Grandfather Paradox going back in time and killing your grandfather , thus preventing your own birth and making it impossible for you to travel back in the first place has been used to help illustrate why backward time travel is impossible .